What is sustainability for Addtech
For Addtech, sustainability is an integrated part of our operations. We want to be active in and contribute to the development of a more sustainable society and see that the transition generates business opportunities for our companies.
Addtech supports the ten basic principles of the UN Global Compact and our internal Code of Conduct, as well as our Code of Conduct for Suppliers, are based on fundamental international conventions. We use the UN’s Global Sustainability Goals as the starting point in our dialogue with stakeholders and in our materiality analysis, as well as in identifying sustainability-related risks and opportunities as part of our overall risk analysis process. To ensure that we develop in the direction of our long-term sustainability objectives, our sustainability work is fully integrated into our business and strategy planning.
A close and constructive dialogue is maintained between the Group and the companies. The Group supports the companies within areas relating to acquisitions, business development, accounting, IT and data security, and in particular within sustainability. In our annual strategy process, the companies establish development plans, where they specify activities to advance our positions in important areas such as growth, profitability, digitalisation and sustainability. In this way, the companies experience both responsibility and freedom, and pursue their own clear activities and targets that reach towards our shared goals for 2030.
Our work includes taking responsibility in three fundamental areas of sustainability; environmental, social and economic responsibility.

Addtech uses the planetary resources in a responsible way. We work to meet the Paris agreement and have committed to Science Based Targets.
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Addtech takes responsibility for its employees, respecting human rights and conducting business with high ethics.
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Addtech supports its customers develop with regard to sustainability and focuses on building partnerships to address shared challenges. Addtech generates long-term value for shareholders and investors.