Sustainable organisation
The best business decisions are made by people who live close to the market, which is why Addtech is fully entrepreneur-oriented so that our companies can focus on their business and develop their operations in a sustainable direction.
In our view, we face major global challenges in reducing our common impact on climate and are working to ensure that the Group’s impact is mitigated. We have set a target to halve our carbon dioxide intensity by 2030, compared with 2019/2020. Our greatest impact derives from goods transports (Scope 3) and we therefore focus on streamlining our transports and transfer to more carbon-efficient alternatives. To reduce emissions from own production and operations (Scopes 1 and 2), we foster vehicle upgrades, energy efficiency and the transition to renewable energy sources. We report our climate data annually to CDP and use the TCFD framework to perform climate risk analyses and climate scenario analyses.
Addtech has a highly decentralised organisation where our companies have substantial freedom to act independently. At the same time, each company bears responsibility for meeting high expectations in terms of earnings growth and profitability, and for pursuing its operations in accordance to our Code of Conduct. Our culture is largely built on the fundamental idea that if our employees grow, the business will also grow. Ultimately, our employees are those who make a difference, and, for this reason, we offer individual development opportunities in an organisation that fosters diversity and equality.
Meet Addtechs subsidiary Necks Electric

Necks Electric in Sweden offers a broad product programme for distribution and transmission power grids, as well as outdoor switchgear. With its core business in transmission power grids, the company is playing an important role in the expansion of the Swedish power grid.