Carbex was founded as early as in 1887 and today focuses mainly on the manufacture of carbon generator brushes used in wind turbine generators and medical technology. The company is part of the Electrification business area and has suppliers worldwide. The Managing Director of Carbex, Joakim Hedlund, feels that the company must maintain a position at the absolute forefront when it comes to sustainability.
“We have established a process for supplier audits with control documents that we will start implementing as soon as the pandemic is over and we can start visiting our suppliers again. In the process, we will assign points to each supplier and propose improvements in the area of sustainability. Each supplier must also sign our Code of Conduct for suppliers.

Managing Director Carbex
Carbex has also had an external party perform a sustainability audit of its own operations to have an assessment of its own status. Although the final verdict was “Very Good”, the ambition is to be even better in some areas.
“Today, sustainability is definitely a decisive means of competition” says Joakim Hedlund. Our customers demand sustainable solutions, which requires that we safeguard sustainability throughout the supply chain. Our sustainability audit process serves as a tool for guaranteeing this.