Leading technical solutions for a sustainable tomorrow

Our business areas

Swedish listed technical solutions group

Addtech is a Swedish publicly listed technical solutions group. Operations comprise 150 independent group companies selling high-tech products and solutions to customers, primarily in the manufacturing and infrastructure sectors – with a focus on long-term sustainable growth.

Addtech's DNA

Addtech is a fully decentralised organisation with a unique culture based on a willingness to take responsibility. We believe that the best decisions are made close to the customer and that freedom with responsibility is the best way to run our business. Business acumen, entrepreneurship and small-scale business - large scale wise are other important components of our DNA. We combine the flexibility, personal touch and efficiency of small businesses with the resources, networks and long-term perspective of a large company.

This is how we generate sustainable growth

Addtech’s success is based on our companies being free to run and develop their own operations, as long as they deliver on our Group-wide targets. By continuously acquiring new businesses and generating optimal conditions for the companies’ profitability and growth by injecting resources, exchanging knowledge and by being active owners, we safeguard sustainable growth over time.


Addtech is a long-term industrial owner that is constantly seeking companies able to strengthen existing operations or to contribute new product or market segments in which the conditions exist to capture leading positions. In our decentralised organisation, our companies are afforded the freedom to act independently while shouldering the considerable responsibility of meeting our high expectations in terms of earnings growth and profitability.

Sustainability for Addtech

Sustainability is an integrated part of our operations. Every day, our companies contribute by support their customers identify optimal technical solutions contributing to sustainable development. By continuously developing and strengthening our sustainability work, we generate value for our customers, suppliers, shareholders and society at large. Participating in and contributing to the development of a more sustainable society is an important part of our strategy and generates major business opportunities for our companies.

Annual Report

For Addtech, 2023/2024 was another strong year in which we successfully navigated a complex environment. With the business situation remaining stable and with a high level of customer activity, we passed the milestone of SEK 20 billion in sales and increased our profitability in all business areas. Addtech’s scalable business model, with its focus on entrepreneurship and decentralisation, once again demonstrated its capacity to generate conditions for profitable growth.

With its proven and scalable business model, Addtech generates long-term shareholder value. Combined, our 150 companies have a broad and stable customer base and share an aspiration to lead the market in growing niche markets. Our efficient acquisition model safeguards increasing earnings as the new companies continuously add sales volume, customers and expertise, and, not least, passionate leaders and entrepreneurs.


Press release